Sarah D.
Private tutor in Glendale, CA
Bryn Mawr College - Current Undergrad, Undeclared (Intending a Math and Chemistry Double Major)
I believe that knowledge has the ability to open doors, people, and minds to new chance, opportunities, and experiences. This ability has led to me developing a love of learning. During my time in high school, I was an editor at the writing center. I also worked at the Houston Museum of Natural Science as an assistant and I also led tours. I am currently tutoring calculus at Bryn Mawr College, where I am majoring in chemistry and math. I am available to tutor students in math at the elementary level, computer science, chemistry, college algebra, calculus, pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. I can also assist students with preparing for standardized tests, such as the SSAT, ISEE, PSAT, ACT, and PSAT. My favorite subject is math because of its practical applications. The subject is extremely useful so I want to help students gain an appreciation for it. I also understand that every student is unique and that every student has a different way of learning. This is especially true of math. As such, I view every job as an opportunity to solve the problem of finding a teaching method that works well for my students. As far as hobbies go, I enjoy learning, volunteering, and visiting museums.
Subject Expertise
1st Grade Math2nd Grade Math3rd Grade Math4th Grade Math5th Grade Math6th Grade Math7th Grade Math8th Grade Math9th Grade MathACT MathAlgebra 2AP Calculus ABCalculus 2ChemistryCollege AlgebraCollege ChemistryComputer ScienceElementary MathElementary School MathGeometryHigh School ChemistryISEEISEE- Lower LevelMiddle School MathPre-AlgebraPSAT MathematicsStudy Skills and OrganizationTechnology and Computer ScienceTest Prep
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
I greatly enjoy visiting museums, volunteering in my community, traveling to new places, and learning.
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